About Customer:
  • Prominent global automotive manufacturer
  • Revamping IT infrastructure to improve agility, scalability, and security for competitive continuous operationse

Industry: Automotive

Service: AWS Migration, CI/CD, 24/7 Managed Services, Security Management

Technology: AWS, Kubernetes, DevOps, DDoS Protection

Learn how a leading automobile manufacturer significantly improved operational efficiency, enhanced security, and reduced infrastructure costs by 40% with AWS migration and managed services.

Client Overview

A prominent global manufacturer in the automotive industry aimed to revamp their IT infrastructure to improve agility, scalability, and security, ensuring continuous operations in a competitive market.

Business Challenge

The manufacturer faced multiple challenges with their existing on-premise infrastructure that impacted scalability, security, and overall performance:

  • Scalability Issues: Difficulty scaling operations efficiently during peak demand periods
  • Security Concerns: Ensuring high standards of data security and compliance with international regulations
  • Performance Limitations: Legacy systems were not optimized for high performance, affecting critical applications


  • Scalability
    • Efficient scaling during high demand
    • Cost-effective resource management
  • Security
    • Compliance with international standards
    • Risk mitigation
  • Performance
    • Ensuring high availability
    • Optimizing load handling

Implementation Plan

  1. Analysis and Strategy Definition: Comprehensive assessment of the existing infrastructure to develop a tailored AWS migration strategy.
  2. Cloud Infrastructure Setup: Deployed AWS services including S3 for robust data storage, and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for effective management of containerized applications.
  3. CI/CD Implementation: Established robust CI/CD pipelines using Docker and Jenkins to enhance deployment processes.
  4. Security Enhancement: Integrated advanced security measures including DDoS protection to secure critical applications and data.
  5. 24/7 Managed Services: Implemented continuous management and optimization of the AWS infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Solution Architecture

  • AWS S3: Used for scalable and reliable data storage.
  • AWS EKS: Managed service to orchestrate containerized applications efficiently.
  • CI/CD Tools: Docker for containerization and Jenkins for automated software delivery processes.
  • Security Tools: Comprehensive security protocols including DDoS protection were deployed.

Benefits and Value Achieved

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automation and optimized cloud infrastructure significantly reduced manual labor and streamlined operations.
  • Cost Reduction: Achieved a 40% reduction in infrastructure budget through optimized resource usage.
  • Improved Performance and Security: Advanced security protocols and better application performance ensured uninterrupted operations and minimal downtime.

Customer Testimonial

“The transformation with AWS has revolutionized our operations, delivering unparalleled efficiency and security, which significantly boosts our capability to innovate,” – IT Director.

Key Statistics

  • Infrastructure budget reduction by approximately 40%.
  • Operational efficiency improvements, minimizing manual processes.
  • Notable enhancement in application performance and security protocols.

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